The Most Important Resource

If you are reading this then you still have your most valuable resource. The most valuable resource you have is time. As soon as you think you are out of time you become poor. I’ve heard many people will trade all the wealth they have for more time. Knowing the value of time and howContinueContinue reading “The Most Important Resource”

noiz viol8ion blog #840 – The Long Road

Everyday is a new adventure. When it starts to feel like groundhog day is when it is time to change something. There is always something new to learn. There is always something I can improve upon. There is always a problem I can solve. My goal is to be a little bit better everyday, toContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #840 – The Long Road”

noiz viol8ion blog #838 – Principles

To make consistent long term growth you have to make great decisions in the present. To make great decisions you have to have great principles to make your decisions. Why do you make the decisions you do? Decisions can be made off of many factors like convenience, happiness, security, health, wealth and many more. WhenContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #838 – Principles”

noiz viol8ion blog #831 – Why not you?

If other people have your dream job then why not you? If other people are doing the things you want to do then why not you? People travel all around the world, they work remote, they have financial freedom, they shop at the nicest stores and drive the best cars. Why not you? People haveContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #831 – Why not you?”

noiz viol8ion blog #824 – Organizing My Life

Sometimes my life can feel like a web browser with a bunch of tabs open at the same time. Or if I look at my phone and there are pages and pages of apps and they’re all open at the same time. Without any organization then all the apps and tabs have the same priority.ContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #824 – Organizing My Life”

noiz viol8ion blog #823 – Today Is A Blessing

Everyday is a blessing. Each day I wake up I am grateful to be alive. I have been blessed with many things that are out of my control. I have been blessed with incredibly good looks, Albert Einstein type intelligence, a wonderful family, a fully functional and abled body, to be born and live inContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #823 – Today Is A Blessing”

noiz viol8ion blog #813 – Trends

Some days are up and some are down. There is no telling what is going to be a good day vs a bad day. Sometimes this extends to a good or bad week, month or even year. Momentum is picked up because we think each second, minute, day, month, or year is going to beContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #813 – Trends”

noiz viol8ion blog #812 – Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering is normal and natural. Everyone in their life will go through experiences that will cause pain and suffering. The problem is unnecessary pain and suffering. Too many times I subconsciously cause myself pain. Maybe I have negative self talk or do not believe in myself which can have a negative ripple effectContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #812 – Pain and Suffering”

noiz viol8ion blog #809 – My POV

There are many things in my life I thought I wanted but later I am grateful for not getting them. I think I know what’s best for me but I truly do not. I think I know what’s best for other people but I truly do not. The only thing I know is my ownContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #809 – My POV”