noiz viol8ion blog #735 – Sales Art

The art of sales is an art of persuasion and influence. Something magical happens when a sale is made. The person who bought the product, their life will instantly expand and they will be an owner. A good salesman is one with integrity and only sales to people who need to be sold to. WhenContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #735 – Sales Art”

noiz viol8ion blog #729 – Look Around

When people are looking for a restaurant to eat at, when people are looking to travel somewhere, when people are looking to buy something the first thing they do is look at reviews. People will ask their friends for recommendations. People are looking for social proof and validation. No one wants to be the guineaContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #729 – Look Around”

noiz viol8ion blog #727 – Reciprocity

Doing kind acts for people builds up a social credit with that person. When you do someone a favor the other person often says, “Thanks, I owe you one!” The other person feels in debt like they need to make it up to you. This is why you should always be doing kind acts forContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #727 – Reciprocity”

noiz viol8ion blog #665 – Do Your Homework

Prepare yourself before hand by knowing what your talking about. You do not truly know something unless you can make the case for something and the case against it. Test your ideas. You must have no doubt and be certain enough to take action. Once you have certainty that certainty can be given to others.ContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #665 – Do Your Homework”

noiz viol8ion blog #664 – Sales

The first thing you need to sell is yourself. People buy thing from people they know, like and trust. So what is in your control? Get to know people! Ask question and find out more about the people you are trying to sell to. What are their problems? What results do the want? Next, beContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #664 – Sales”

noiz viol8ion blog #371 – How to be good at sales!

To be good at sales you must let people sit in their own pain. The reason people are interesting in your product is because they have a current agitated state and your product can move them into their desired state. You are the link between their current state and their desired state. If they doContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #371 – How to be good at sales!”

Blog #223 – Whats the most enormous goal you can think of?

Gigantic goals can be intimidating. If a goal is huge then it can be very exciting or very anxious. Giant goals are achieved by completing a lot of smaller goals first. A mountain of mini goals adds up to a large goal. Your goal can be to make a million dollars. This can be doneContinueContinue reading “Blog #223 – Whats the most enormous goal you can think of?”

Blog #206 – Salespeople start High then go Low

Ask for more than what you want. It is human nature to want to negotiate and make deals. The price given is never the final price. There is always room to barter and negotiate. If you are a salesman then start with you most expensive items first. The customer will see these enormous price tagsContinueContinue reading “Blog #206 – Salespeople start High then go Low”

Blog #205 – Emphasize the contrast to influence people

This strategy is to be used for ethical purposes only. When trying to influence people there are two things you must accentuate. The pain of their current situation. This extreme amount of pain will continue or get worse if they stay on their current trajectory.The pleasure of their dream situation. This is the immense amountContinueContinue reading “Blog #205 – Emphasize the contrast to influence people”