noiz viol8ion blog #832 – Make Goals Take Action

Sometimes deciding what you want to do can be harder than doing it. There are an infinite number of destinations you can end up. Making goals will increase the probability you will end up. going where you want to go. When you make up your mind your mind will search for solutions and answers. ThereContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #832 – Make Goals Take Action”

noiz viol8ion blog #765 – Becoming The New You

Starting is the first step to becoming the new you. If there is something you would like to become then you must start with taking action. If there is a skill you want to learn you must practice that skill. If it’s knowledge you want to learn you must seek where to find it. StoppingContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #765 – Becoming The New You”

noiz viol8ion blog #753 – Stepping Through The Portal

On one side of the portal is your life as you know it. Everything is familiar. Life and you are just as you know it. As you step through the portal you are stepping in to who you want to become. The portal is the transformation from who you are to who you need toContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #753 – Stepping Through The Portal”

noiz viol8ion blog #474 – Start a Community

Be a leader and start a community of like minded people. There are over 9 billion people in the world and many are looking to connect with people just like you. Starting a community creates leverage for you to be at the center of it all. You will learn from their experiences. You will gainContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #474 – Start a Community”

noiz viol8ion blog #473 – Create Excitement

When do you get most excited? Knowing what gets you excited can make it easier to get up in the morning to pursue your passions. A life without excitement is dull and boring. When you wake up excited to tackle the day it makes everyday incredibly better. It gives meaning and purpose to your day.ContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #473 – Create Excitement”

noiz viol8ion blog #370 – Master of None

What is better? Being good at a lot of things or Being a master at one thing? Even if you chose to master one thing it leads you to having to master one thing. For instance if you want to master music production. This may seem like one thing but there are many things inContinueContinue reading “noiz viol8ion blog #370 – Master of None”

Blog #279 – Learn it by Teaching it

Entrepreneur and businessman Tai Lopez says that you should use the 1/3 rule to allocate your time. Spend 1/3 of your time with people ahead of you.1/3 of your time with people who are equal to you.And 1/3 of your time with people behind you. Always be reaching for the next level and paying whatContinueContinue reading “Blog #279 – Learn it by Teaching it”

Blog #278 – GIVE! GIVE! GIVE!

The more you give the more you live! It feels good to give. It is very rewarding when someone says, “Thank you!” It means you made someone grateful. You helped someone. You are building your reputation. You are building your network. You are increasing your value. You are saving someone time or money. You areContinueContinue reading “Blog #278 – GIVE! GIVE! GIVE!”

Blog #277 – Money is a Resource

Money is earned in direct proportion to the amount of value you are giving to the world. The bigger the problem you are solving the bigger the paycheck you will be earning. If you can solve a problem for many people then many people will pay you for it. For your bank account to growContinueContinue reading “Blog #277 – Money is a Resource”

Blog #276 – Make Your Habits and Soon your Habits will Make You

Installing a daily empowering morning routine is the best way to kick off your day. The first thing is to wake up early. If you wake up before everyone else then you already have a head start. Make you bed. Making your bed lets you start off your day with a win. Success builds onContinueContinue reading “Blog #276 – Make Your Habits and Soon your Habits will Make You”